
Justine, ON, Canada

“I definitely feel my inflammation has gone down hugely. I don’t feel swollen anymore, which is nice, and I have more mobility, and I know that inflammation kind of messes with your mobility. So having mobility back was awesome. I definitely feel that inflammation reduction that I’ve gotten was very effective.”

Improvements with: Anxiety, Bladder/ UTI Infections, Childhood Trauma, Chronic Fatigue, Constipation, Diarrhea, Digestive Health, Difficulty Walking/ Flexibility, Emotional Trauma, Fibromyalgia, Headaches/ Migraines, Heartburn, High Pulse, Headaches, IBS, Inflammation, Insomnia/ Sleep Issues, Muscle and Bone Issues, Nausea, Panic Attacks, Post-Accident/ Fall Recovery, Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits.

1st Visit: 14-Day Program, Emotional Wellness Area of Focus
Program Health Focus: Nervous System Regulation, Digestive Symptoms, Low Immunity, Trauma
Blood was very “sticky” upon arrival (4 out of 5)Blood is less sticky after 2 weeks (1 out of 5)
Depression Score: 43 (Extreme)Depression Score: 2 (no depression)
Anxiety Score: 28 (Moderate)Anxiety Score: 29 (Moderate)
Compromized Immunity: Colds, Flu and UTIs twice a month.Did not have colds and flu in the past 6 months.
Digestive challenges: heartburn and indigestion.I definitely managed to bring those down. I realized that my digestion issues were due to consuming greasy foods and not having control over my stress and not wanting to release emotional trauma.
Food Taste. Was struggling with the food taste, could hardly eat anything when arrived. I ‘ve learned here that your nervous system, when it's all over the place, that your taste buds might not be receptive to certain things.
Nausea. Vomited often when nervous. I felt nausea every day and was vomiting after every meal when I arrived. I’d have 5 bites and had to go to the bathroom to throw up, because my system didn’t want it. Now, I don’t feel nauseous at all with meals. When it comes to eating meals on the 2nd visit, I could eat the full plate and keep everything down.
High Pulse Rate. Racing heart – was taken off the plane in the middle of the trip by ambulance due to a very high pulse.I realized that it was induced by the anxiety of what was on the other side (=was going to happen at the retreat). I’ve been able to come to a place where I can understand that and take moments to be with my body where I can feel it stressing. These are life-changing exercises.
Nervous System dysregulation: panic attacks, shaky hands, whole body shakes, intense muscle spasms, and light-headedness were initiated by stress or sadness.Learning to regulate my nervous system was probably one of the biggest tools that I got coming to the program… I learned to ground myself, meditation helps and breathing is huge.
Dealt with neglect and did not receive the care needed from family and doctors. I wasn’t taken seriously and was told that everything is in my head. I started to store it all inside. It was probably the first time where I’ve had so my space held for me to be vulnerable and safe. I connected with certain people, opened up to them, which was great. I realized it’s about finding the right person. I also can be clear with people I’m around that I still have limitations and advocate for myself about what I need.
Emotional Traumas. I learned to recognize that I was holding things from past relationships that were making me terrified to go out into the world, even the friendship with somebody and even just connect on a genuine level. I was withdrawn and overthinker.I realized that I wasn’t allowing myself to receive love because I’ve been neglected from it my whole life, I always felt like you had to work for love, but that’s not the case. That created a better bond between my uncle and more of a forgiveness bond between me and my parents.
2nd Visit (in 6 months): 21-Day Program, Physical Health Area of Focus
Program Health Focus: Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Bladder Incontinence, Digestive Regulation Continued
Blood was non-sticky and had a high level of toxicity (purple inclusions) 4 out of 5Blood did not have purple inclusions
0 out of 5
Depression Score: 19 (boderline)Depression Score: 0 (no depression)
Anxiety Score: 27 (moderate)Anxiety Score: 19 (low)
Fibromyalgia. I’ve been through a series of car accidents within two years and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after my last accident. It came suddenly as chronic pain all over my body that was unbearable. My joint pain level went down by 20% (and doctors say that the ultimate goal is 30% but is not achieved by most of their clients).
Back pain. I dealt with all over body pains and aches, which were just always there. And my spine was definitely in a very harsh pain, from sharp to tingling or numbing pain. My overall pain level daily is often around 5, sometimes 7-9, where it used to be 10+.
Inflammation, I felt swollen.Went down hugely, by 50-70%. I don’t feel swollen anymore.
Arm Weakness. I had really bad weakness in my arms, so washing my hair became a huge ask. I could not have anything on my shoulders, even to try to wear a Fanny pack around my waist was still hard.I feel like I’ve gained more strength in my arms and the rest of my body. I can actually put my arms over my head now. I’ve been able to throw a bag over my shoulder and even holding my bags is not a huge task.
Walking Difficulties. I had joint pain when walking especially up the stairs. When I tried to lift a leg, it felt super heavy and crickety, and when I put it down, I just wanted to fall to my knees because of the pain. I am able to go for a walk without instantly thinking, oh, I need to sit down as soon as I get into the room. I have more motion in my joints and am definitely more flexible, so I never used to be able to sit cross-legged like this or even have my legs on a chair. And going upstairs is easy.
Travelling/ “Wandering” Pain. The symptoms would switch out with another like my body was just going through different motions every second. I could not regulate anything from a second to another. I do not remember the last time I wasn’t in this much pain. The pain was starting to own me. On my best days, I feel in complete bliss with my emotions, I am confident and curious about life and I have a purpose. Coming here helped me realize that I’m in charge of the pain. Even when I can’t control it, I can work on still living.
Sleep: I had difficulty sleeping, evening sitting.I can get 8 hours of sleep. I still feel uncomfortable sometimes, but nothing comparable to what it was before.
Severe fatigueI gained a lot of energy from the program, that’s life-changing because I can actually do more with my body.
Excruciating headaches, when I could not concentrate or to hear even a white noise, like a fan in the room. Headaches have definitely lightened and they are not daily. The last week at the retreat I’ve had only two and they were spread out pretty far and a lot more manageable than what I’ve dealt with. They were light, so I can concentrate now and continue with daily tasks.
Lymph nodes swelling came with my fibromyalgia. I needed to do regular lymph node drainage and osteopathy, to prevent this issue. I don’t have swollen lymph nodes anymore at all, which is a lot more comfortable in the body.
Bloating. I was dealing with a lot of bloating.I started getting in touch with my abdomen areas and understood that a lot of our population does not realize that they are bloated. It makes a huge difference and the relief of that is one extra little thing that I don’t have to deal with for pain.
IBS Symptoms (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Irritableness in my bowel due to stress is more tolerable. I can have regular bowel movements, not turning into constipation or diarrhea, that’s huge because my whole family has issues with that, too.
Bladder/ UTI infections – I was dealing with those at least once or twice a month and took a lot of antibiotics.I haven’t had a UTI infection since arrival for 3 weeks, and it gives me hope that it will continue to remain that way.
Bladder inconsistencies and urgency. I often would be worried about if I could get to the bathroom fast enough without having an accident. I feel like I’ve gotten a stronger bladder. I can hold it. I’m not running to the bathroom and do not stress. And I haven’t had a single accident. That’s considering I drink 3 litres of water every day.
Lifestyle. Fear of not being able to integrate changes when homeIt’s really hard to go home and do anything you want again because you’ve woken up to things. If you fully immerse yourself into that and also have compassion for yourself, it will be life-changing and I know that all the tools I learned here – I have every single one of them saved. I learned with the life coach, yoga and even having a cookbook to go home with. That’s a huge gift for the program… When I came home after my last session here, I first dove into proper nutrition. I did really well, and it made a huge difference in the way my organs were operating, my energy, sleep and anxiety.

Experience Highlights:

  • Being able to connect with different staff
  • Walks
  • Classes and having handouts to be able to study when you are home, as well as my ability to fully concentrate!

The information above is based on the following resources:

  • Unedited Video Testimonial Materials
  • Before and After Self-Assessment
  • Program Participation and Progress Sheet
  • Emotional Wellness Test

Your Health Retreat Will Be a Life-Changing Experience


Disclaimer : Results of participants differ and the Fresh Start cannot guarantee that you will experience your improvements in the same way as in this testimonial. The Fresh Start is not an allopathic medical facility and does not claim to either diagnose or treat any disease. The Fresh Start does not guarantee a recovery from any specific disease or a health symptom.