Before you compare the Fresh Start program with others or decide on its’ value, please consider the following:
The program is not just a series of classes or appointments. It is a well-thought-through system designed for maximum results. Every component is designed to play its intentional role in combination with others. Every drink and meal has a purpose and is prepared right before serving with the most quality ingredients; every class supports the knowledge foundation essential for long-term success. The program includes multiple one-on-one treatments, rest, a semi-flexible structure and a moderate pace, all essential to healing. Additionally, you cannot overestimate the healing power of the Ocean and nature that you’ll be exposed to every day of your stay.
Your package is very comprehensive, quality and includes a lot. Your program is an experience created with meticulous attention to detail, quality and healing principles in mind.
However, what is even more valuable is the professional knowledge of working with people with various health conditions using natural methods, individualization, and personalized approach we bring into the program, which cannot be reflected in the description of the components you’ll see below.
A unique focus on Individualized Healing is what sets Fresh Start apart from other programs. It allows you to address your specific goals and needs, be it Depression, Arthritis or Quitting Smoking. Much knowledge and time are invested in assessing your situation and planning.
Your detoxification plan is highly customized based on which organs need the most support and your program goals. Your one-on-one treatments are also customized. And it does not end there. Every day we monitor your progress and micro-adjust your plan as needed. The results are assessed at the end.
Last but not least: it is impossible to put a dollar value on the joy, happiness and positive changes you will experience in your physical health and emotional wellness, as well as insights and practical tools for working with unhealthy lifestyle habits. Not to mention the well-being you will feel to the core of your bones when you go home. Though results may differ, and you need to be realistic about what can be accomplished within a short period, you need to know how much the Fresh Start program may help you if you are dedicated and work hard during your stay. We highly suggest you watch as many Testimonials as possible to see the actual value of what you’ll receive if you embark on a personal Healing Journey with Fresh Start.
What’s Included in Your Program
For 7-Day: $2,750; for 14-Day: $5,500; for 21-day: $8,250 (=$393 per day).
Core Program consists of meals, activities and facilities use.
Note: While it may sound like “what’s there” or “why the Core Program costs so much” to some people, rent of the 2-story ocean-front facility in the prime location, team pay, cost of program supplies, labour-intensive food preparation from scratch without prepackaged/ frozen food (with some rare exceptions), organic produce; multiple admin, IT, equipment etc. hidden expenses constitute the highest costs of running of the program. These are included in the Core Program price.
Core Program includes:
Professional Services
For 7-Day: $500; For 14-Day: $800; For 21-day: $1,500
The Professional Services consist of individualized health assessment, planning and guidance.
Professional Services include:
Advanced Package:
For 7-Day: $1670; For 14-Day: $3,340; For 21-day: $5,010
Includes 7-8 appointments per week
Go-Deeper Budget™ includes one-on-one treatments and custom protocols (supplements).
Go-Deeper Budget™ explained:
Disclaimer: Activities, drinks, services and other components included in the package may periodically change without notice due to availability of staff, revision of programs, and seasonal changes.