Fears of a Smoker
According to Greg Watkins, a past smoker, when you smoke and consider quitting, you have two major fears that stop you from making the decision.
Fear #1: What if I cannot quit?
Do you believe that you can quit right now and never take a cigarette again?
Most smokers don’t feel they can quit, that they do not have to quit, that they do not want to quit, are not sure whether they want to quit or do not know why they should quit now.
Fear #2 What if I actually quit?
Truthfully, are you excited about the fact you’ll never hold a cigarette in your hand again?
In spite of seeming contradictory to the above, most smokers are terrified at the thought they’ll never smoke again. They are afraid that:
They won’t be able to drink anymore
They won’t be able to talk on the phone without a cigarette anymore
They won’t be able to get out of bed anymore.
You are not afraid to give up a cigarette, but everything you do with a cigarette. You are afraid to give up your life.
Yes, cigarettes may harm you in 5, 10 or 20 years from now, but who cares if your life stops today?
Just think about this: smoking has been doing for you so many things. It helped you to deal with stress, prevent weight gain, gave you enjoyment when you were bored and allowed you to socialize with friends.
Cigarettes make your life possible. Don’t they?
Cigarette and Stress Management
While it feels that a cigarette helps you relax, the reality is when you are taking a cigarette, you are not doing it because it helps you to calm down the stress. When you are stressed, it makes you urine acidic and washes out some nicotine in it, you go through a drug withdrawal and want to stop it. So you go and smoke some more. When you drink, you need to smoke more, because alcohol flushes nicotine out of your body faster, so you subconsciously want to replenish it.
While you may think that smoking (and drinking) has a distressing effect, it actually does the very opposite. It perpetuates the addiction by inducing stress.
Biggest Myth of a Smoker: Life Without Smoking is Full of Limitations
- I will not be able to get energy without a cigarette
- How will I deal with Christmas and Birthday Parties
- What will I do with my free time
- I will be an outcast
- My pain will aggravate
- I will not be able to function
- I have too much on my plate to handle it
- I’ll be a nervous wreck for the rest of my life
- My life will get worse
Please think about the fact that
Billions of people on the Planet live without smoking and do not suffer from it.
Millions of people learned to generate their energy without a cigarette.
Thousands of people have a birthday today without smoking and feel fine.
All non-smokers do NOT feel outcasts because they don’t smoke.
Life continues after smoking. Same life, but just BETTER.
Life without smelling like an ashtray.
Life where you can engage in a meaningful conversation and be fully present instead of thinking in the back of my mind: when is this going to be over, so I can escape to smoke?
Every day at Fresh Start is a unique healing experience.
How Do We Help You (Methods We Use)?
Please view PDF to learn how we help you with:
- Withdrawal Symptoms (insomnia, cough, irritability etc.)
- Physical and Emotional Cravings
- Cellular Toxicity and Damage to Tissues
- Weight Gain Prevention
- Replacing Old Patterns with New Healthy Habits
- Support through the Process
- Fear of Commitment
Important Note: If you are coming for the quit smoking program, upon registration please ensure that you choose days with the detox, as it is not available on all dates. All long programs (sixteen days and more) automatically include the detox portion.
What is Included in my Quit Smoking Program?
Core Program: organic meals, health drinks and variety of classes read more
GO-DEEPER™, including 3 components:
- professional health assessment, individualized plan creation & guidance
- individualized one-on-one services (massage, quit smoking and habits re-patterning coaching etc.)
- custom protocols (advance liver cleanse, respiratory system rebuilding etc.) read more
Typical Day
Health Retreat Typical Day – Fresh Start offers a semi-structured™ schedule, with more structured mornings filled with educational activities and fitness; then flexible afternoons with options of guided or independent walks, rest, individual health treatments or relaxing activities. This allows for various needs to be met, including rejuvenation and provides a focused approach on improving health and experiential learning. Read more
The following is a letter from our program participant, an ex-smoker:
Program Options

Give it a Kick
Best 4 those who need:
Light Support:
have a strong determination to quit and do not need a follow-up
Light Detox:
- Advanced digestive
- Light liver
- Remove oneself from triggers and distractors
- Distress, recharge and respite from the world
- Decrease withdrawal symptoms and cravings

Kick it Hard
Best 4 those who need:
Medium Support:
Need support with the process & have enough determination to continue plan at home
Medium Detox:
- Advanced digestive
- Advanced liver
- Light lung
- Tools to deal with triggers & patterns
- Address underlying emotional causes of smoking
- Prevent/ improve headaches and digestive issues (acid reflux, bloating, constipation, diarrhea)
+ Everything from shorter Programs

Kick is for Good
Best 4 those who need:
Maximum Support:
Need max tools to form healthy lifestyle patterns to replace the unhealthy old habits
Advanced Detox:
- Advanced digestive
- Advanced liver
- Advanced lung
- Start rebuilding tissues and organs affected
- Prevent long-term consequences of post-smoking
- Max support the body organs from toxins overload
- Improve insomnia
- Reset metabolism to prevent weight gain/lose weight
- Have lung issues and other advanced health conditions
+ Everything from shorter Programs
Tip: Longer the program, deeper the results and greater individualization level.
What Other Habits Can We Help with?
Quit Smoking is a part of the Habits Re-patterning Area of Focus. In addition to smoking, we also work with other unhealthy patterns and habits.
For those who have lung, depression or other health issues
The Fresh Start program works on a very deep level and can help you with so much more, in addition to becoming Smoke-Free.
The guests whose testimonials you’ll see below came with smoking-related and other health conditions. They all stopped smoking shortly upon arrival – though their testimonials are not focused on Quitting Smoking.