I came to just quit smoking and experienced deep emotional healing 14-DAY Mohan2025-01-07T00:31:23-08:00
I came to lose lbs. and inches and got my mobility and mojo back 14-DAY Mohan2025-01-06T21:27:23-08:00
I look in the mirror, and I’m happy with what I see, and I’m happy with what I feel 21-DAY Mohan2025-01-06T04:20:29-08:00
I’ve got insight into my purpose which I was looking for many many years 21-DAY Mohan2025-01-06T04:19:54-08:00
I overcame resentment towards a parent, and love and grieve that parent now 21-DAY Mohan2025-01-06T04:19:28-08:00
I passed an exam at 95%, while off most of my ADHD and anxiety meds 21-DAY Mohan2025-01-06T04:19:23-08:00
The Cavern that Was in My Heart is not there any more 14-DAY Ania Kastashchuk2025-01-06T04:01:38-08:00