Geri Laurence
Emotional Wellness Specialist/ Kinesiologist
“We are all worthy of love and Support.”
Professional experience: over 33 years
Who Am I?
Geri Laurence brings over 27 years of experience working in the areas of emotional wellness, addictions and disabilities. Since 2013 till present time she’s been one of the professional team members at Cedars Drug and Alcohol treatment center located outside of Victoria B.C. and works with internationally known counsellors and psychiatrists.
In addition, to extensive emotional health background, Geri has advanced experience of working with people with physical injuries using yoga therapy and kinesiology. She was engaged in working with the Jade Society in assisting marginalized individuals living with chronic pain. She is a senior yoga instructor with 20 years of experience and has studied with international teachers, as well as is recognized by the Yoga Association of British Columbia and by Yoga Alliance. Additionally, she was presented with an honorary certification from B.C. Ministry of children and families for outstanding contributions.
Some of Geri’s experiences include:
Founding of an organization called Vancouver Friends for Life; leading Child Yoga Program to the community helping children with ADD/ADHD; working with Burnaby Youth Correctional Centre; organizing 12 step and mindfulness programs including the Little House Alcohol & Drug Addiction Society; teaching in treatment centers in Vancouver and Women’s Recovery centers; yoga classes at the John Howard Society for youth at high risk in Campbell River; volunteer work at the Elizabeth Fry Society – a non-profit organization that provides support services to some of society’s most vulnerable populations – women, girls and children at risk of involvement, involved in or affected by the justice system.
Geri’s passion is to help individuals to let go of who they think they are supposed to be and Embrace who they are here and now in the moment. Her focus is to encourage people to share from their whole heart with courage and compassion their story which connects them with a sense of belonging and worthiness.
Geri’s training includes:
- Somatic Experiencing® Certification, 3-year training, with Boulder Crest Institute, Colorado. The training is rooted in Peter Levine’s method of healing trauma.
- ‘Trauma Therapist’, 2-year training, with Janina Fisher – in the process of completion (focus on work with Complex Trauma, BHT, Mindfulness approach and Emotional Focused Couple Therapy).
- EMDR Training Canada – in the process of completion of the certification
- Functional Synergy Training with the world renowned Therapeutic Yoga practitioner Susi Hately Aldous. The course is focused on work with chronic pain and is based in kinesiology, compensatory movements strategies and nervous system stabilization. Susie’s cancer program (Yoga Thrive) is recognized by the University of Calgary.
- Yoga for Children with ADHD, Autism, and those who are differently disabled, with Sue Ducros, B.S.C, M.B.A., Ottawa. Sue is the facilitator of the radiant Child Yoga Program.
- Registered Yoga Instructor/Certified in Training the Trainer, with Yoga Alliance
- Gabor Mate, ‘Addictions, Kids in Chaos and Child Development in a Stressed Society’
- Allen Burger, PhD, ‘Addiction (Emotional Safety)’
- Bio-Psycho-Social Model (multi-faceted approach to mental health)
- Sound Therapy
- Father Joe from India and Dr. Ray Long, ‘Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga’
- Kevin Griffin who authored the books “One Breath at a Time” and “a Burning Desire
Geri’s approach is gentle and uplifting. First of all she looks for what is already working in the body function and the life of her client. Coming from there she aims to build up the individual and create his/her personal program. The combination of extensive experience in on-on-one and group work, deep knowledge of the body anatomy and physiology, kind empathy with each person she works with, and a thorough understanding of body-emotion connection makes Geri’s work so precious.
One thing that most people do not know about Geri is that she has worked for 10 years with Canadian airlines, and she loves planes and travel.