Erin Malin
“Food is real magic-it transforms your day, your health and your life”
Years of Experience: 18 years
Who Am I?
Erin’s favourite memories of growing up in Edmonton are of exploring all manner of art with her mother. She crawled around the foot of her mom’s loom listening to the clack and swoosh of the shuttle, she spent hours driving the pottery wheel bus and painting little e’s on watercolour paper. Cooking with her mother was an extension of the creative process. There were many days spent in her granny’s prairie garden picking raspberries and dipping rhubarb stalks into a tin measuring cup filled with white sugar. It is no surprise that Erin is a passionate creator of art in the kitchen and out. She has her Bachelor of Fine Arts from The University of Victoria. She began her work life as an actor and writer in Toronto but her passion for food and the drive to create something new everyday lead her to start cooking on set instead of acting. Erin opened up cafés in The National Ballet of Canada, The Young Centre for the Performing arts and The Canadian Opera Company. Erin has cooked for YoYo Mah, Margaret Atwood and Karen Kain among others.
At The National Ballet of Canada Erin began working with a nutritionist to develop anti inflammatory meals to help the dancers heal from injury. She focused on making these new recipes delicious and beautiful so they would enjoy eating while focusing on healing. During the pandemic when the world stopped Erin began delivering her anti inflammatory meals, first to dancers and then to a larger following in Toronto. In 2021 Erin broke her hip skiing and decided to put herself on the anti inflammatory diet while she recovered. She discovered the diet healed pain so chromic in her body she had believed that it was just how her body felt. Feeling so incredible made her slightly evangelical and she decided she wanted to pursue food as a healing modality. In 2022 she moved with her husband and two children to the Comox Valley. Erin began working as a private chef helping her clients not only with delicious and beautiful food cooked by her but with recipes and meal plans individually tailored to each clients needs. These days when she’s not in the kitchen or the garden she can also be found pursuing her other favourite art form, theatre with Courtenay Little Theatre.